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LEVELutia - Aprilie

  • I don't really want to boast about it but this month i had the special honor to work with the Level Magazine and published a series of avatars/cartoon-portraits of the editors exclusively on the first page and on every review in the conclusion sidebar. :D
  • Putting aside my huge self-esteem i want to announce that the Level Magazine has relaunched in 2.oV with mind-numbing content, 100 pages, naked aliens, shiny new gagets, new full version game (X3: reunion goty) and a unique new section in this genre of magazine "bistro dell' arte"
(the concept is not new though ... it was included in the Chatroom section before).
P.S. if you are a gamer and you haven't heard about Level you kinda suck ... so go out and buy it :))


Anonymous said...

nice. primu seamănă cu unu din metalocalypse :)

Unknown said...

chiar :)) ... cu pickles, nu ?